Where to Play

Looking to play the Munchkin Collectible Card Game, win prizes, and meet other players? Or maybe you’re just looking for a reason to leave your house? Look no further! Here’s what we have going on:

  • Check the Events Calendar for official game days, release events, prerelease events, and tournaments. Each calendar post will take you to a list of all participating local game stores. That calendar also shows play events being held at conventions, so if you’re going to a con, you could get some games that way too.

  • Check out our Munchkin Collectible Card Game Facebook page. If you follow that page, you’ll get updates about in-store play opportunities in your feed. Alternatively, sign up for our newsletter.

  • You can call up your local game store to see if they have regular Munchkin Collectible Card Game events. If they don’t, let them know they can email retailers@sjgames.com for information on how to get it started – for instance, they can order Organized Play Kits so they have prize support, and they can learn how to run some drafts for new players. 

  • Want to create a local fan page or Facebook group for the game? Here are some general use digital assets you can use. 

  • For 2018, the first year of the game’s life, we’re planning official regional-level tournaments in the late summer. Like the Facebook page or sign up for our newsletter if you want to be sure to get updates when those schedule.

    • Winners at the regional-level tournaments will get a bye at our national tournament, which will be held at Gen Con 2018. We’ll post about that on Facebook and in the newsletter, too.

Latest rules, FAQ, and errata:

Email organizedplay@sjgames.com with other questions, or ask us on social media with the hashtag #PlayMunchkinCCG. 

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